
Showing posts from April, 2022

Rise of the Necromancer LL Review

The "Fall of the Necromancer" expansion from autumn 2021, saw four new LL releases. Two of them were hero-only LLs. One was the infamous "Vanquishers of the  Necromancer" - mixing up the tournament scene and stirring up quite a turmoil and discussions about how far a LL should go and if this is not the complete opposite of what the game stands for. While the other LLs (Rangers of Mirkwood and Pits of Dol Guldur) were frequently covered and discussed in podcasts, blogs, YT videos etc, the fourth one was notably absent from all this  or received only a fraction of the time- The Rise of the Necromancer LL. This one was actually the only LL and the only thing of the expansion I was interested in. I had my eyes already set on a Dol Guldur hero-only army for quite some time. And now I received the perfect LL for my needs.  I want to share with you my experience with this force and what I think about it in detail. Let me take you on a journey to the dark paths of Dol Guldu...

Dol Guldur Projekt - Letzter Akt

Es ist viel Zeit vergangen seitdem ich das letzte Mal etwas zu meinem Dol Guldur Projekt veröffentlicht habe. Tatsächlich bin ich schon länger damit fertig. Allerdings habe ich keine Zeit gefunden um die neuen Fotos zu machen. Oder besser gesagt zu lernen wie ich besser Fotos machen kann^^ Aber nun endlich habe ich es geschafft und möchte die Resultate mit euch teilen. Im folgenden seht ihr meine Aufstieg des Nekromanten LL Armee - alle Nazgul, den Nekromanten und drei Kastellane. Demnächst werde ich außerdem meine Rezension dieser Armee veröffentlichen, an welcher ich parallel gearbeitet habe. Der Kastellan hält seine Wache und fröhliche Hobbyzeit bis zum nächsten Mal =) Der Nekromant Die Nazgul von Dol Guldur Kastellane von Dol Guldur Gruppen Fotos

Dol Guldur Project Finalized

It is quite some time ago since I last posted something about my Dol Guldur project. In fact it is already finished since quite some time. I simply did not mange to find time to do the photographs. Or rather learn how to do better pictures^^ But I finally did and want to share the results with you. In following you can see my Rise of the Necromancer LL army - all Nazgul, the Necromancer and three Castellans. Quite soon I will also share my review of this army, on wh ich I worked in parallell. The Castellan keeps his watch and happy hobbying until the next time =) The Necromancer The Nazgul of Dol Guldur Castellans of Dol Guldur Group pictures