Visions from the Palantír - The next expansion for MESBG

In this new series, I wanna share with you my thoughts on developments in our hobby and try to philosophize about future things that are yet to come.

And to start it off, I took a great motivation from the discussions about the most recent news and releases for our system. And I will explain why I think to know, what our next expansion will be about + what I predict and want to see in it.

I did not write anything regarding the many news our hobby enjoyed over the last couple of months. A new expansion released with great success. We had our very first dedicated live-stream (!) - something that was unheard of so far. We will receive a new starter-set and battle hosts for the four most common armies.

Shadows from a far away past

But it were two smaller miniature announcements that caught my interest. The new Glorfindel and even more important, the new plastic Elrond set. Glorfindel is a gorgeous model and it was about time he received an update and a mounted version. But the new Elrond set is actually more interesting for me.

Image source: GW

Not so much because I was waiting for it (I normally do not play him in my Last Alliance lists) but because of two details it features.

  1. This Elrond wears the armour and colors from his time as herold of Gil-Galad, during the war of the Last Alliance.
  2. The set contains a third miniature (besides Elrond on foot and mounted), which is a bannerman. And it is explicitly mentioned he bears Gil-Galads royal banner as he accompanies the High-Kings herold into battle.
Now for some people this was odd. After all, Elrond had already several miniatures and Rivendell does already have a bannerman. 
For me it is different. Not only do I think that the models look super awesome while at the same being a plastic set!. No, I see much more significance in its release. I see shadows from a distant past, forecasting the future.

I think it is not a coincidence or odd choice to release a 2nd age Elrond and mentioning several times that the banner of the third miniature, is the royal banner of Gil-Galad.

I believe something big is incoming, something that a lot of people are waiting for since the release of the current system version.

A Last Alliance Expansion

Yes I know people predict and talk about such an expansion since a very long time. And every time something very different happened. But hear me out! ;)

If we look at the releases that led up to this years expansion (Defence of the North), we can clearly recognize a similar pattern. 

It all started every time with teasing, later a presentation and after some more time a miniature release with WIP rules. The Dragon Acolytes, Rutabi & Brogrir, the Dragon Emperor, Black Dragon warriors, old Dain & Thorin III, Brand & Bard, Dale Knights, the small Windlance etc...

So you can see, that all of them pretty quickly pointed into a correct direction, the expansion was taking. Sure there were also other miniature releases that had nothing to do with the expansion. But still, it soon was undeniable which factions and therefor which expansion would be next up.

Besides the latest miniatures for Rivendell being good indicators, I can also give several good reasons why a LA expansion is relevant and could make a lot of sense.

Rich and mostly unexplored lore

Every expansion features a narrative campaign and one for the LA would feature nearly endless possibilities. The initial attack on Gondor by Sauron, Anarions defense, preparing the LA army, crossing the Misty Mountains, the epic battle on the field of Dagorlad, breaching the Black Gate, the siege of Barad-Dur, Saurons last stand and so on. They could even go further and close the campaign with the disaster of the gladden field and Isildurs death. This goes of course for both good and evil sides.

Many potential LLs

There are equally as many chances for creating epic LLs. Anarions defense of Gondor, Elendil and Gil-Galads elite force that fought against Sauron, Elronds and Isildurs back troops, an assault strike force led by Sauron, a Barad-Dur defense force (maybe making siege bows good?), etc. etc.

Big potential for new heroes and warriors

We could finally get a profile for Anarion, maybe reflecting his superior defense skills?

Cirdan could receive a 2nd age profile where he is still capable of fighting.

We could also have a bunch of unnamed heroes to broaden the character of the big armies that fought at that time. Specialist heroes for Numenor (Sharp-shooter?),  some Uruk hero making the Black-Guard finally relevant?

Potentially GW wouldn't even have to stick solely to Barad-Dur, Numenor and Rivendell. After all, Khazad-Dum, Lorien and Thranduils father too fought in the battles. The evil side could reserve 2nd age versions of Easterlings and Harad + maybe even some evil dwarves? ;)

It would be also more than deserved if Rivendell and Numenor received some new warrior types.

It is about time

I mentioned already that a LA expansion is a subject of discussion since the release of our system in the current version. And I think it is about time that GW takes this chance and delivers =)

Benefiting from Amazons RoP

Last but not least,  GW could also profit a bit from "Rings of Power" this way, without any need to reference something from the show. But since it is now everywhere in the media and it will probably stay like that for some time, the increased interest in the 2nd age could mean potential new players.

My Wish-list

As a big fan of Numenor, the LA and the 2nd age in general, I of course have a very big wish-list of things I would like to see in this potential new expansion. I will present each of them to you and also rate the probability for them to happen, judging from the current information we have.

Interesting new LLs

Probability: High - with some caution.
The 2nd age provides a lot of potential for new LLs on both the evil and good side and I of course wanna see them =)

Games Workshop has proven that they are capable of creating awesome, strong and interesting LLs (Beornings, Host of the Dragon Empreror, Ugluks Scouts, Theodreds Guard, etc). And while most LLs fall into that category, they have also produced some LLs that, well fall into others:

  • LLs that perfectly match the moment/army they are supposed to display but which have quite some problems to be used in competitive play - Rangers of Ithilien, Rangers of Mirkwood,  The Grey Company etc
  • LLs that perfectly match the moment/army they are supposed to display but that produce quite some controversy due to them changing a lot of what normal gameplay allows - The Black Riders,  Vanquishers of the Necromancer, etc
  • LLs that are deemed to be completely unnecessary - Army of Dale
  • LLs that are deemed to be either bad or a bad reflection or both - Men of the West, etc
So I would say I am mostly optimistic that the design team would be able to come up with some very interesting LLs but I am a bit cautious too since nearly every expansion had some good and bad LLs.

New Gil-Galad

Probability: High

Even if we do not get a 2nd age themed expansion, I am still pretty sure about this one. A new Gil-Galad set, with both a mounted and foot version,was basically teased during the live stream. And the bannerman wink is more than a good indicator.

The boys deserve new sculpts - GW

New Elendil and Isildur

Probability: High - but needs more backup evidence to turn up.

We leave now the thick ice and move to more unclear terrain. So far only Rivendell was in the focus of new releases. But if we get the LA, I am pretty sure we will also see new miniatures for both Elendil and Isildur. I cannot wait to see what the design team might do with them =)

A point that might speak against this, is the miniature range rotation. In July it was announced that after quite some time, miniatures will leave the shop and others will return. But the very last thing I would have guessed, was that the ancient old mounted version of Isildur will have a comeback! As far as I know, this miniature was out of production since the very beginning of this system.

Now, would GW do such a thing if they plan to replace the miniatures in the not so far future? Actually it makes sense. I bet that a lot of people wanna grab this mounted Isildur and sell figures gonna be high. So for a year or so, they make profit with it. And then, conveniently, it will go away again and make way for a new plastic or FW sculpt. And make again a lot of money ;)

Image source: GW

New 2nd Age Heroes

Probability: Medium - but needs more backup evidence.
But we do not have to stop and only wish for new versions of existing heroes. There is room for new stuff too. At the very least, GW could give us finally a profile and miniature for Anarion. Thranduils father, a 2nd age Khazad-Dum hero, unnamed specialist heroes for all factions... The limit is only the size of the expansion ;)

New versions for Numenor and Rivendell warriors

Probability: Low - but needs more backup evidence to turn up.

If I would have to name the worst box set in GWs MESBG range, I would not hesitate for a second and name the "Warriors of the Last Alliance". The oldest box set to still be produced, has a lot of problems. I am not even starting to talk about the packaging, which makes no sense at all in modern times.

But what really bugs me:

  • No shield option for high-elve sword warriors
  • At most three poses (?) per miniature type
  • Low details
  • Wrong scale of Numenor (they were already wrong from the very beginning)
If there are warrior models that desperately need an overhaul and a new plastic box set, than its these grand-daddies.
Really, every time I see the box or the miniatures, I cannot believe that they are still sold.

Give us a box with Numenor warriors that - has a banner, bowmen, spear-men and normal shield/sword warriors. Do the same thing for Rivendell.
Hell, I would even be willing to have them as resin kit if it must be.

Sadly, I see only a very low chance of this to be happening. Since the Hobbit game version, GW never again released new plastic warriors - be it new or replacing ones.

I am not giving up hope and who knows, what new teasers bring. But to be realistic, I do not see it happening from the current point of view.

The grand-daddies of our system, should see a well deserved retirement... - Image source: GW

New miniatures for profiles that do not have models yet

Probability: High - but needs more backup evidence to turn up.

I mentioned it already above but a LA expansion would also offer the opportunity to finally give us a lot of models which are possible profile-wise but do not have an official model.

I think of:

  • Gil-Galads kingsguad
  • Numenor Captain (foot and mounted)
  • Numenor bannerman
  • etc
Judging from the DotN expansion, I think this wish is very possible. The Black Dragons received their own miniatures, even though they were easily doable with the normal warriors from GW. So I at least see a kingsguard set. But I hope the rest will also happen.

Extending warrior roster of Rivendell and Numenor

Probability: High - but needs more backup evidence to turn up.

ENDLESS possibilities - I promise it is the last time I mention it xD But the LA war, offers GW so many ways they could extend existing armies from that time.

I already thought about Numenor (even though most ideas are too unbalanced^^") but in general some quick ideas I would like to see:

  • Numenor steelbow warriors/equipment option
  • Numenor knights
  • Numenor siege engine
  • Numenor elite choice
  • Cheap warrior options for Rivendell
  • Evil dwarf elite troops for Barad-Dur
  • 2nd age Easterling and Harad troops for Barad-Dur
  • etc...

Dale and the Easterlings received new warrior choices and they are really good. So I see good chances to have something similar for a LA theme.


The first vision of the Palantír is over. I hope you like the new format. It was a blast to write down all my hopes and ideas for this potential expansion.
How do you like them? What would you like to see? Or do you think my vision is wrong? Let me know in the comments ;)

The Castellan keeps his watch and happy hobbying until the next time =)


  1. I agree that the Last Alliance should be the next supplement, but fans have been wishing for it so long... I wonder if they just enjoy torturing us! New Rivendell warriors would be so incredible. The lack of sword-shield options in the Rivendell plastic line just begs for a new set. Personally I think the Numenor metals are some of the nicest warriors in the range so I'd be happy for them to remain; the resin Rivendell spears, while beautiful sculpts, are quite finnicky by comparison and could use an upgrade.


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