Dol Guldur Project 2


I used this weekend to finally start painting my DG Nazgul. I started with one slayer of men:
First with base and shading

Second with with the layer details

I also started the Witch-King with base and shade

I am quite pleased with the results - especially with the green robes =)

I am still experimenting my lighting setup for taking miniature shots. Suggestions how to improve are welcome ;)

Ordering the last piece

I thought of ordering the Castellans of Dol Guldur from GW directly since i thought the price tag of 20 € is ok and it now contains three instead of two miniatures. However this meant i was exactly 5 € to low for having free delivery. 
Delivery costs for Austria are 9 € - meaning a third of the costs would have been just shipping, which really did feel wrong.  I know its possible to let the delivery go the a GW shop but since the only ones are in Vienna (meaning a travel to the city just for picking up the miniatures) this was only not a viable option if avoidance would be possible.

I thought that Castellans are somehow GW webshop exclusive since their original order from another shop got canceled with this explanation. However by coincidence I stumbled over this shop and could order my Castellans for a cheaper price and with lesser delivery costs =D So hopefully I will get hold of them before the year ends.

Nice Dice

In my last project post I forgot to add live photos of the really cool DG dice set. 


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