What could the LOTR Amazon Show mean for MESBG?

This fall the day finally comes: The big budget LOTR show from Amazon will be released.
Regardless of the show being good (i have my fears but I try to stay optimistic) or not, it could mean big releases and changes for MESBG. Or does it?

I spent some time thinking about it and realized, things might not be so easy as they seem.

Will Gamesworkshop strike a deal with Amazon?

Firstly it would of course require that GW has actually an interest to buy a license from Amazon to be able to use the material for MESBG. 
Now you might say - how can I even question this? Potential for a lot of new miniatures, campaigns, expansions etc - the possible Euro signs for GW are written all over a deal with Amazon. And I agree - it is quite unlikely that they won't even try.

There is however one reason I thought of, why GW might not have any interest:
GW in the beginning of the system, was hardly limited in what they could release, by what the movies showed. This is now for quite some time no longer the case. Else they could not have done the named Nazgul, most of the Easterling miniatures, the whole "War in the North" or even whole factions like Khand. I am sure the Tolkien Estate still has a lot to say and can prevent them from doing too crazy things. But besides that, GW has a free hand. Which theoretically could also include the whole 2nd age. And if that is the case, why bother with a hard license restriction and a partner to share, when they could do things themselves? 

The argument against this, is of course that with a license, they would much more benefit from the success of the show and the many potential players they could win with people watching the show and now wanna play the game with their characters.

They weird thing however is,  so far we did not hear... anything in this regard? Not even the slightest hint that this happens. And thinking that a cooperation between Amazon and GW would be a BIG thing, this surely would have been announced by now?
One could argue that they won't do that before the "War in the North" expansion got released, in order to not draw attention from it. And that only after it, maybe even as late as summer 2022, we will get a super big surprise announcement.
So although it is totally possible GW was not able to get a deal or had no interest - I somehow highly doubt the second possibility - I would be really surprised if it would not happen at all.

But lets assume the deal already is sealed and we just have to get noticed.

How could GW handle the potential many, many new things from the show?

In a forum I am active, I asked how exactly heroes/armies of the 1st and 2nd age were stronger than the ones from the third age. And exactly here, a problem will show up. To which degree elves, dwarfes, high humans etc were stronger in previous ages, can be debated. But stronger they were.

So If we now think on our current strongest (profile value wise) heroes, and warriors - e.g. Gil-Galad or the Balrog. We know from the books that Gil-Galad was by all rights the High-King of the Noldor and an exceptional fighter. But also that at his peak, he was still just a shadow of what former Noldor leaders were capable of.
And if we talk 1st age - Melkor fielded Balrogs in great numbers (not a full army but nonetheless) and dragons that would put Smaug to shame.
Numenor at its peak was so strong, they defeated Sauron (who had the Ring!) with ease.

My point is: If the new units and factions are supposed to represent at least halfway their power, there is no way they could be in MESBG with our current faction roster. Their profile values would explode beyond Gil-Galad and the Balrog and how do you wanna make a fair competition between say Rohan and an army of High Elf Noldor, at their state when just arriving in Middle-Earth? Or between Numenor of 2nd age and Isengard?

So either the new factions would outclass the existing ones by far or they would have to water down their strength to make them fair opponents - which again would look weird and wrong. Or they new ones become so elite, that point wise, you would field like ten 2nd age Numenor models against 60 Uruk-Hai - see WH40k Custodes.

The worst possible solution but also the most unlikely (i hope) would be that MESBG gets a complete overhaul with new rules, new army profiles etc. - in order to align all the factions better and come up with rules to make it happen.

Another approach could be that everything that gets released for the Amazon show is its separate system. Like Adeptus Titanicus for WH40k. Which receives its own rule-set, maybe even different scale etc.

So I find it actually hard to imagine that MESBG gets extended with stuff from the Amazon show. Unless...

It will depend on the scope

Unless the scope of the show is for the most part on the 2nd age. Which most infos we have by now, hints at. If they start after the "War of Wrath", when the dust settles, the elves found their new kingdoms in Middle-Earth, the Edain found Numenor and Sauron finds himself without a master - than I think it is manageable.

So why did I even mention the 1st age in the previous section? Well because one of the preview images shows the town of Tirion (the white city of elves in Aman) and the two trees of Valinor. It could be that the 1st age will only be used for telling some kind of background to characters, countries etc. And therefore could be not relevant when it comes to new content for MESBG.

What could we get?

We can agree that new content from the Amazon show is possible and that it will mostly be about the 2nd age. What could that mean in regard of miniatures?

Since Numenor and the Last Alliance will probably be very important, I highly hope for new miniatures or even a complete rework of Numenor as a faction - read my hopes here ;) Maybe containing sub-factions like Arnor and Gondor of the 2nd age? Even an evil version of Numenor, representing Ar-Pharazon and his kings-men could be possible.

High Elves, despite having already a lot of heroes, could see even more named characters. Celebrimbor and younger versions of Elrond and Gil-Galad come to my mind. Also having more than two warrior choices would be nice^^ Or separate factions for Lindon and Eregion?

Khazad-Dum or even a new dwarf faction could be featured with new heroes and warriors. Especially the dwarfs of Khazad-Dum and Eregion formed a friendship which could be reflected.

And last but not least, Sauron and Barad-Dur surely will get new stuff or even a rework to better distinguish itself from Mordor of the 3rd age. I can at least imagine a version of Sauron as Annatar, Lord of gifts.


So this are my thoughts. When first I saw a lot of problems, in the end I think there is a lot of potential. And it could mean a big shift or resources on GWs side to our system + a rekindled broad interest of new players.
I would be interested to hear your thoughts on the topic =)


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