Legendary King on Horse - Elendil alternative miniature

 Today I want to present you a miniature I have been working on since a long time. Limited time played a role but also that I wanted to really give it my best. It is the first miniature where I:

  • Have sealed with varnish (because it is made of metal)
  • Tried to free paint simple patterns
  • Painted big areas of white
  • Used super glue together with Milliput to improve the firmness of the separate parts
  • Did a proper basing
Loyal readers of this blog might already have an idea which faction motivated me for so many first time efforts - it is of course Numenor! ;)

One of my favourite shops (Pasch Spiele) informed me of an alternative miniature for Elendil on horse and I immideately ordered it. Not only does it look great but it also made of metal! =D Which by the way, was super clean and without any ridges.

You can order it from here.

I also updated my buy and collect article to feature this model.

But now without further ado - here are some pictures of the legendary king on horse ;)


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