Easterling-Khand Project 02

My E-K project made a big leap during the last month. As mentioned in my last update, I was working on a Khamul on Fellbeast conversion. Khamul is one of my favorite models, both in game and in design. So it was a long-cherished wish to own the model. Sadly there is no official version of him on Fellbeast, even though its the only way to play him, that makes sense. With Orzol Studios, there is a single alternative model and its gorgeous. However, as probably most people can relate,  the masters purse strings - life did not become cheaper in the last years. And so, I let go of the idea to own the model. However I did not let go of my wish. I even managed to grab the official model on foot and horse on the second-hand market.

Was there a way the fulfill my dream, without a major conversion? An idea occurred to me when I went through my old Pelennor starter set. I am pretty sure, I will never ever play Morodor or Angmar. So I had no use for the Witch-King. However... Khamul is - besides his mask - pretty close to a nameless Nazgul model. And I realized that the Pelennor box contains basically the Nazgul on Fellbeast set - meaning I could also build it with a nameless Nazgul instead of the WK.

So if could come up with a color scheme, which clearly identifies that the model is Khamul, I would have no problem to use him! =D

I gathered some references and input from the friends and the community. The Nazgul itself would receive the same colors as the original one. And the Fellbeast could easily receive colors to identify it with the Easterlings. 

To say I was motivated, would be an understatement and I immediately went to work. I can now present you with my result - Khamul an Fellbeast!

Regarding the basing, I kept to my plan to use a Tundra theme on my east-based armies. I admit I am super happy and proud with the result, especially the contrast between the base and the rest + the effect of the bronze, grey, black and red.

I also cannot understate how incredibly pleasant and rewarding it was, to work with this miniature. By a mile, the best working experience of all I had the chance to work with, so far.

The next step is work on Khamuls official foot and mounted version.

The Castellan keeps his watch and happy hobbying until the next time =)


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