The Castellan goes 40k - My first steps


Today marks a special day. For the first time, I will not write something about MESBG on this blog. Today it is about my first steps into 40k.

Since a longer time, a friend tried to convince me into playing 40k. Even though the lore and universe fascinated me + the models are great - I always declined due to a limit of time and money available, which already hindered me in doing what I wanted, in MESBG.
But after meeting up in May and having a very long discussion/talk with multiple people about 40k lore and stories about the system, the hook caught me. Again and again did I visit the GW page and looked through models. 
Since the people also told me about a new edition already on the doorsteps, I started following every news and release that was made by GW. 

And oh boy was that a vastly different experience from MESBG. The amount of dedication and money which was clearly put into the marketing and new content for 40k was dazzling. 
I read through the rules and index of the army I was interested in: Adeptus Mechanicus. Their style and design was really intriguing.

So last Sunday I visit my the friend and other people to play our first 10th edition games and my very first 40k games.

The games

I played three games in Combat Patrol mode. This a mode designed for small skirmish games in the range of roughly 500 points. Each faction has a CP box and it is clearly defined, which models are in the CP of a faction. Not a single one more or less. These boxes are balanced to be roughly equal to each other so nothing is over powered.

I read through the rules beforehand and watched some explanation videos, so i did not come completely blank. Nonetheless it was very good to get an explanation directly on the game. 

We played all games on the same map, with variations in ruins and buildings. It were also three different missions from the rule book but I do not remember their names. But there were always four markers involved.

Source: GW

Game #1 VS World Eaters

This was to get hands-on on the game so my friend played without any cover etc. I kept using the Protector Imperative and shooting as much as possible. Outside of one close combat against a normal unit and the evil champion, everything else did before reaching me. My Skitarrii died but the Techpriest killed the champion xD

So i was able to table my opponent but lost due to very few victory points. You could say, I have won the moral victory ;)

Game #2 VS Astra Militarum

This time we had a lot more distance between us and so there was much more movement. I was able to early occupy the middle markers and kill the Sentinal Walker + the enemy commando unit.

The AM was able to kill everything I had except for the Onager Dunecrawler and was able to continuously call in reinforcements. But the OD massacred the soldiers  (at least 70) and I won because I had much more points. So it was the opposite of the first game.^^ 

Game #3 VS Tyranids

The most balanced game. The enemy leader advanced quickly forward and did some damage but was too greedy and shot dead. 
I forgot the name but this new psychic-beast of the Tyranids, kept me busy in the center, until nearly the end. It killed the Skitarii but after dozens of shots from Kataprhons and the OD, it died. 

I managed to kill everything else except for the infiltrators, which kept a marker from the very beginning, which is why I lost in the end.


Wow! That was a lot of fun! =D
Playing felt incredibly fast and at my third game, I already had a feeling for my army and what they can do.
At least the CP box sets, seem to be well balanced. 

Coming from MESBG, I was baffled how fast things die here, while at the same time it never felt like just being on the receiving end, since it happens on both sides. 
AND: Not once did I feel helpless in my own or the opponents turn. There is always something to do or plan.

It was brilliant how smoothly and straightforward movement, shooting, charging, combat and the Imperatives + Strategems played itself.

And playing AdMech really felt as I had hoped for. Not having any models ready, I just played with empty bases (in their correct size). But this did not stop my immersion for one second. I really felt like in the middle of a dynamic battlefield.

The Kataphrons showed a lot of damage output and surprising durability. But that was nothing compared to the beast of an OD - this model alone easily had a kill count of over 100. 

I am definitely hooked! And you know what? My friend gifted me nearly the whole content equal to an AdMech CP box! =D 

So it seems like I am kneedeep in 40k now xD

But don't worry! I am not abandoning MESBG. I will continue to play it, collect, paint, attend tournaments and write about it on this blog. I still love the game, the models, the community and so much more.
It only means, that from time to time, I will now also write some content about 40k ;)

The Castellan keeps his watch and happy hobbying until the next time =)


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